The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126523   Message #3813788
Posted By: bradfordian
10-Oct-16 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: Aine's Mudcat Songbook PermaThread
Subject: Caitrin and the Geeks by Amos
Caitrin and the Geeks by Amos
(Tune: Bar'bry ellen)

Amos' Comments: Thanks for the yummie cookies!

When Caitrin to this thread appeared,
Her cookies were appealing!
And soon the galley in my house
Was a mess from floor to ceiling!

I stirred and poured and measured out,
And ruined several aprons!
I broke my wristbone stirring dough
Designed by charmin' Caitrin!

And when the oven doors had closed
And I was done with messing!
I said a prayer to the Cookie God
And asked for Caitrin's blessing.

And when the baking smell arose
I thought it most auspicious
I gobbled down the first one out!
That cookie was delicious!

I ate another few just then
And kept on madly baking!
And soon the counters were all full
And the table nigh to breaking!

Then slowly, slowly, I stood up
My awe for Caitrin mounting!
So many cookies, ne'er I'd seen,
Too many far for counting!

I stacked them up on platters high
When my own waistline was dragging.
And staggered with them to the door
They filled my station wagon.

Then to the office I repaired
All carbo'd out and laggard!
And down the hall, to a table there,
With Caitrin's cakes I staggered.

'Twas early early, in the morn
When first I brought such plenty!
But before noon, I swear 'tis true
The platters all stood empty!

So if you have too many made,
Ye need not trash or bail them!
Just bring them to a Software House
And let the geeks inhale them!!