The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160787 Message #3815132
Posted By: Susan of DT
17-Oct-16 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Death in the Child Ballads
Subject: Death in the Child Ballads
Self promotion: My new book
CAMSCO Music/Loomis House Press has now released my book Body Count: Death in the Child Ballads. The Child ballads have the reputation of almost always including death. It turns out that only half of the ballads do include death.
I examined each of the Child ballads to determine which included at least one death. The death could be violent, natural, or accidental. For each ballad that includes a death, I discuss who died, who did the killing, who urged the killing, and how the death occurred, as relevant to the particular ballad. I then included the verses that illustrate this.
The 130 page softbound book (ISBN 978-1-935243-82-3) is available for US $12.50 plus $5 shipping from CAMSCO Music and Loomis House Press (UK £9.50 and CA$16.50). Amazon also carries the book (but we get to keep more of the money if you buy from us). The book is also printed in the United Kingdom and Australia, which keeps the shipping costs manageable. The book includes text, notes, appendices, and illustrations (mostly from Holbein's Dance of Death).
Susan O. Friedman (Susan of DT) (800) 548-FOLK