The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160787   Message #3815257
Posted By: Susan of DT
17-Oct-16 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: Death in the Child Ballads
Subject: RE: Death in the Child Ballads
Joe - Is Childe Owlet gory enough being broken between horses so the the field was full of small pieces of him? Or Willie's Fatal Visit where the ghost left pieces of Willie on each pew in the church?
Robert said you wanted to order a copy, but I was not sure that I should consider that a definite order. Do you want it?

Jim - This book is about those ballads that do include death, which are about half of the total. Any interest in a followup book "They lived happily ever after in the Child Ballads"? There are a few, but that leads to what is happily ever after? Is the Shepherd's Daughter happy to be wedded to the Knight who raped her? Off the top of my head, False Lover Won Back, Jock of Hazeldine, and Willie of Winsbury for a start.