The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3816050
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Oct-16 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
"Jim, what is the message of all your links?"
They show what is happening in Israel today Keith - why do you think I put them up?
I leave accusing "Jews" of doing such things to antisemites like yourself - this is the outcome of the crimes of an administration turning the dream of the Jewish People into a fascist nightmare - it is the work of fanatics backed by the State.
We have your decision "No It only shows groups of Jews, not government officials." - Jews, not the State.
Why didn't you say this in the first place and we could have skipped all this argument and cut to the chase.?
The statements by ministers that you have denied (not disproved), are incitement to hatred, plain and simple, and it is these which bring about behaviour like this - not the Jewish People - there are many, many more examples of such incitements and their outcome.
When Sabra/Shatila was investigated, the man who was found responsible for the massacre - by the Israeli enquiry - later became Prime Minister.
What more proof do you need of the involvement of the Israeli establishment in the massacre?
The woman who posted a message inciting total war against the Palestinian People was appointed Justice Minister (***** 'Justice' Minister, for crying out loud) by the present administration.
What more proof do you need of the concept of "Justice" by the present regime?
It was a Government Foreign Minister who proposed the beheading of disloyal Arabs.
What more proof do you need of the present regime's attitude to people who have as much right to safety, security and a home as anybody else in that area?
This incitement to hatred and killing is encouraged from the very top -
In "decent, civilised countries" presided over by decent, civilised human beings, actions such as these against an impoverished and vulnerable people would be illegal and would be stamped on by any "decent, civilised" administration - instead, it is encouraged and even participated in from the very top.
What "decent, civilised" administration would tolerate the burning alive of a child and then the celebration of that act, without punishing the perpetrators?
To blame the people for what is happening and letting the government off the hook is equivalent to blaming the German People for the Holocaust and absolving the Nazis.
You say it is the Jews not the State to blame - that is not only Antsemitism writ large, it is Fascism in its most (im)pure sense - the people being responsible for the actions of the State
You really needed to say this before now so we could have dealt with it on the basis of where you are coming from.
Thank you for confirming it now - a bit late, but better late......, as they say
Jim Carroll