The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3816195
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Oct-16 - 04:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
"Your attempts to smear me get wilder and more desperate Jim."
You have smeared yourself over and over again down the years Kith - wouldn't dream of taking the credit
Over and over again you have denied without proof, statements reported from inside and outside Israel, from Jews and non-Jews, of Israeli Ministers whipping up hatred among the Israeli people - statements that, in a democratic "decent" country would be totally illegal - you has dismissed these reports as "bollocks".
You appeased statements of racist hate by a regime you appear to worship - you continue to do so.
You were given links to two films of mobs of Israeli extremists; one showing a roomful of people gleefully celebrating the burning alive of child victim of an arson attack - you question - without a shred of proof - the validity of that film.
The other film shows a mob of thousands of Israelis in Tel Aviv calling for the Genocide of Arabs in revenge for the killing of a policeman who publicly executed an unarmed suspect - the mob included thugs carrying the slogan, "My honor is loyalty" – the motto of the Nazi SS.
You described this mini Nuremberg Rally as a legitimate way of expressing hatred of Palestinisns
You describe this as a legitimate form of protest against the Palstinians
That is appeasing race hatred and fascism - it is inhuman.
And who do you blame for this - "THE ORDINARY JEWS" - not the fascist hate statements - not the Israeli ministers who made them, but "THE ORDINARY JEWS"   
"Those videos you linked to did only show ordinary Jews, not government officials."
We have had plenty of examples of Governments making extremist statements which have whipped whole populations into hate-filled frenzies
"Of course not, and Jews are no different to you and your neighbours Jim."
How stupid, or how desperate can you get?
Of course demagogues like the Israeli regime are capable of whipping people up into hate filled mobs - what the **** do you think the Holocaust was about - a handful of Nazis secretly following their hobby.
Sadly, they had support from the masses - from Kristalllnacht onwards
This - from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
"Propaganda tries to force a doctrine on the whole people... Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea." Adolf Hitler wrote these words in his book Mein Kampf (1926), in which he first advocated the use of propaganda to spread the ideals of National Socialism—among them racism, antisemitism, and anti-Bolshevism."
Your repetitious blaming ordinary Jewish people for these displays of hatred, while totally absolving the openly declared hate mongering of leading figures in the Israeli estavblishment confirms that you have no interest in or regard for the Jewish People - your total support is for an extremist right wing regime who describes Jews who oppose its policies as - evidence enough of the antisemitic nature of that regime, and of your own antisemitism.
In these two threads you have managed to show yourself as you really are and drag your two mates down with you - not a bad two threads work Keith - well done.
"Those videos you linked to did only show ordinary Jews, not government officials."
- must write that one down - definitely one for your C.V. - to be made use of in the future.
Jim Carroll