The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29874   Message #381729
Posted By: GUEST
24-Jan-01 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: Conservative Cavalry Round Five !!!!
Subject: RE: Conservative Cavalry Round Five !!!!
"Operationalizing that concept is, admittedly, proving more difficult than anticipated."

"Operationalizing "; WOW!!! What an awesome word - I love it!! I'm gonna have to look that one up in my big, thick, heavy dictionary, 'cause i bet it ain't even IN that skimpy lil' Webster's! What's that one worth in "Scrabble"??? Really; I get a kick out of words, and that one surely is a doozey!!!

" could call the Washington Times "alternative press" -- it's owned and operated by the Unification Church. And that's about as alternative as it gets."

I was aware of the association, but I don't see a lot of Sun-Myung-MOON glorification going on here, only a bringing together of a multitude of people from an amazingly diverse spectrum of races, religions, cultures and creeds to restore basic family and civic values. Yes, I do retain a shred of skepticisim given the UC's past "Cult" status - but do I hear a somewhat stronger judgementalisim coming accross here?

MAV can tell you more about this movement, as he is more familiar with it. They do a lot of music, I'm told.

MAV, being a frugal, rural fellow, is using a "free" internet connection which is proving itself to be worth about all he is paying for it - which is why we are not hearing much from him here lately... much to the relief of some, no doubt.

"Those who cast their vote decide nothing..Those who count the votes decide everything..J Stalin"

Sounds like "Bugsy" DALEY took great inspiration from that one; I'll bet "Uncle Joe", perpertrator of one of the more massive genocides of world history, would have been a big fan of "Vote-O-Matics", "Butterfly Ballots", and "Chads" too. We got rid of those atrocities here in Maine about 20 years ago because they were so compatable with Chicago-style "creative counting" by the likes of "Boss" DALEY and his DNC operatives.

I picked up a little bright red volume of the "Thoughts of Mao Tse Tung" last summer at a yard sale, and from what I've read so far, it's resonates marvelously with what I hear spewing from the "PC" American Left. Coincidence???

Re. the NH motto:

"Live free by giving freedom to others to live freely in their chosen fashion"

...A viable option, but try getting that along the top of a licence plate so's anyone could read it from 2 carlengths behind... besides, it sounds more like Vermont than NH in sentiment.

Having been born, raised, and serving 5 1/2 years in NH's Service (Dept. of Safety) I remember how controversial that slogan is, and has been for some time. There was a big flap about 10 years ago where people were taping it over or coming up with alternatives etc.. I'ts a quote from some NH Revolutionary War hero as I recall, but I don't think many Granite Staters take it all that seriously any more.

Freedom being a relative thing, I suppose NH has a certain edge by having no income tax, per se, although they sure make up for it on property taxes, and the Governor there (Gene SHAHEEN, I think?)is taking steps to rectify that oversight and correct the greivous injustice of working residents keeping entirely too much of their own money.

"...Its called prior constraint and its one of the things our founding fathers tried to address in the Constitution. We're not supposed to do it. "

Oh, like "Gun Control"?? Register, then confistcate all those bad nasty guns BEFORE otherwise decent, responsible, law-abiding subjects run amock and start shooting each other? Works for the goose, how's 'bout the gander, Massah?