The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160845   Message #3817673
Posted By: skarpi
02-Nov-16 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ronald Reagan said ...
Subject: RE: BS: Ronald Reagan said ...
Have I ever doubt Science , yes I have , I once said if the Science is so fucking great , why are we still using Gas , Gasoline , Diesel and Black oil ? ....well I later found out it is controlled by those who control and have the money ...they won´t let go , and while they won´t the Earth is calling a warning words for us Humans ...and we don´t listen

Science may not be something you believe in , but I always wonder what changed when Reagan said that they would not go forward with the space program , or ....maybe they did , without telling us ..because they did not want the public to know ..?

Well are there a Black Science ? and also would they have knowledge to make Cigar shape Craft´s ( well maybe we should not doubt Science ) ....I know this sound´s like out of an Si Fiction movie ...but I believe that Human Science to day have the knowledge to do this , the so called Black Government is holding back this knowledge , for ever what reason I have no idea ...

for those who are still looking for 3 trillion US dollars that can´t be found after 9/11 in Pentagon ..may be you should look there , well the Human´s have been lied too , about life on earth in the past , the Vatican say only what they want you to know and they want you to Believe and then there are they who control the Media and tell you only not the truth ...
and also the Government ´s of this world , but some are starting to tell the truth , like many of your Astronaut´s ...

so what ever I believe or you Believe ...the truth is out there ,
what ever the truth is ,
a man once said in a foreign country ,
When you start telling lie and you do it often enough people start to believe , but when the lie become the truth , the truth become a lie ...but always in the End the truth will come back to you and it will hit you hard ..

so I look forward to the Future , I have only few years to live ..about 50 more years or so ...the Future is going to hit us hard , so be ready ..

All the best Skarpi Iceland .