The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160877   Message #3818033
Posted By: Steve Shaw
03-Nov-16 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: No poppies for me
Subject: RE: BS: No poppies for me
Don't give me your Tower Hamlets bollix. I worked there for seven years, lived there in Robin Hood Gardens, met the missus there who was a teacher in Ben Jonson in Stepney, got married there (cheers, Father Burke), has a rollicking vicious argument with Bishop Victor, Bishop of Stepney there, was an NUT hard leftie years of my life, they were. I saw my mate Blair Peach murdered while I lived there. That wasn't too great, but the one thing that Blair showed me was that racism is the biggest evil on this planet and that decent people never, ever let a racist incident, remark, post or article go without attacking it back. I even went to a West Ham match once. On the way to Upton Park some twat in our tube carriage pulled the cord and we were swamped by less than friendly cops. Bloody miracle that we got to see the game at all. Southern gits.