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Thread #160890   Message #3818423
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
05-Nov-16 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit again
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit again
Winning the EU Election when most people didn't vote was no guide for what could happen in a General Election.

All that is interesting, Keith, but it didn't happen. It wasn't a binding referendum, no matter what any MPs or journalists might have said.

However, no need to worry. MPs who were against Brexit will of course vote for it, especially where their constituencies voted for it. They'll present that as being because it's the democratic thing to do, but in reality it's because they think voting for what they believe would put their re-election in danger.

And I suspect that would also mean they'll vote to take away our right to freedom of movement, even though that wasn't in the referendum, because they'll assume that the Brexiters would want that.

So all in all I suspect this will all end up as a storm in a teacup.