The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29940   Message #382142
Posted By: Jim the Bart
25-Jan-01 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: BUSHwhacked Two!!
Subject: RE: BUSHwhacked Two!!
Why does the so-called "Conservative Cavalry" keep forgetting the lessons of history? We had so-called "free market capitalism" and it did not work. Faced with a full-blown Communist threat in the early days of the last century, the Capitalists opted to incorporate a level of socialism. This worked pretty well for a pretty long time.

Now, once again, greed is overcoming common sense. In their efforts to squeeze every bit of profit they can out of our tortured environment and their poorly structured system and inherently unfair system, they are trying to go back to those glorious days of yester-year, when the captains of industry and commerce are free to do as they please.

LISTEN UP, MAV - It didn't work before and it won't work now. Bush is not smart enough to conceal the true face of corporate greed. Do you think the rolling blackouts in California are accidental? Or that they will go away? Or that people will continue to ignore them forever? Keep dancing you're foolish little "victory dance". Keep gloating your little gloat. Your ideas are old and flacid and they DO NOT WORK.

We all share this world. It is a finite arena, with finite resources. Unbridled exploitation is not a good plan. And yet it seems to be the only one you have to offer. If there was any place left for you to go I'd say "Take your bad ideas and GO AWAY." But whether you like it and admit to it or not, it is ONE WORLD. And, in the end, you cannot continue to pretend that you have a right to most of it while billions go without. Like the fall of apartheid it's only a matter of time before the balance shifts for good and all. The only question is whether the change be managed or cataclysmic. Your lack of vision, your greed, your refusal to accept the inevitable practically guarantees the latter.