The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162   Message #38217
Posted By: Joe Offer
15-Sep-98 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Senor Don Gato
Subject: Lyr Add: EL SEÑOR DON GATO
Here's a Spanish version, with a bit of a different meaning:


(English translation is shown on alternate lines in Italic text)

Sentado en silla de oro estaba el senor Don Gato
Seated on a chair of gold was the mister cat

Con unas medias de seda y unos zapatitos blancos
With stockings of silk and little shoes of white


Ate y ale pum, ate y ale pum, unos zapatitos blancos

Ha recibido una carta que si quiere ser casado
He has recieved a letter that if he wishes to be married

Con una gatita parda, sobrina de un gato pardo
With a cat dark, niece of a cat dark

El gatito de contento se ha caido del tejado
The kitten, from joy has fallen from the roof

Ya se ha muerto, ya se ha muerto, ya se ha muerto, el gatito
Now he has died, now he has died, now he has died, the kitten

Ya lo llevan a enterrar, por la calle del pescado
Now they take him in to bury, through the street of the fish

Las gatitas van de luto y los ratones bailando
The kittens go in mourning and the rats dancing

Y al olor de las sardinas el gato ha resucitado
And at the smell of the sardines the cat has revived

Por eso dicen la gente: siete vidas tiene el gato
That is why say the people: seven lives has the cat