The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160996   Message #3821844
Posted By: Steve Gardham
21-Nov-16 - 08:52 AM
Thread Name: Gunga Din. Racist or just of its time?
Subject: RE: Gunga Din. Racist or just of it's time?
The title above should perhaps read Racist AND of its time.

We have a great struggle much of the time when dealing with historical artefacts. We are firstly obliged to present them as they were at the time and this immediately clashes with modern outlooks.
People living in the 'free' western world (and some others) have no excuse for perpetuating unfounded prejudices. However, these prejudices are still endemic in all societies. As someone who edits music of earlier periods I try to make it clear that these are artefacts from an earlier period and if we do not include them, or alter them, then we are denying our history which can be a very dangerous road to go down.