The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160772   Message #3822186
Posted By: Richie
22-Nov-16 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Berkshire Tragedy: Who done it?
Subject: RE: Origins: Berkshire Tragedy: Who done it?

I'm trying to wrap up my study of Berkshire and need some help. I need this missing version: on page 117 of American Balladry Laws says "Wexford appears in a text from New York but apparently learned in Ireland," then on page 118 Laws says--"in the last line the youth is described as a butcher's boy." This mean's its partially related to the Scottish versions.

It must be listed in Laws book somewhere but I can't find it- any ideas?

I'm rewriting the rough draft but it partially, comments and corrections welcome:
