The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148447   Message #3822408
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Nov-16 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Syria: the new nightmare?
Subject: RE: BS: Syria: the new nightmare?
"MAY HAVE DONE without any "evidence""
The evidence of Assad's crimes have been produced and are fully accepted by the world despite your defending his being sold ammunition, chemicals and riot control equipment.
Not surprised you are prepered to defend him though - that seems to be what you go for.

"Fear not, JOM ("
From another thread - it will go up each time you express your insecurity in this way

"A reminder
"Here is a link for you Jom:"
"By the way JOM"
"how boastful a man can get doesn't it JOM?"
"Don't worry JOM"
"every time you mention the name Woodcock I know I've got through to you and you are getting rattled."
You really should read our own posts sometime - it would help avoid the foot-in-mouths - the "Rattle of an Simple Man", as the screenplay writer described it.
Jim Carroll"