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Thread #29940   Message #382392
Posted By: Skeptic
25-Jan-01 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: BUSHwhacked Two!!
Subject: RE: BUSHwhacked Two!!
Guest Stakley, My motives for posting to mudcat are varied. Impressing anyone isn't one of them. I'll try to be more careful on proofing in the future, however as I meant to type ad hominem. Of which you have provided a perfect example.

I did like your take on MAV. Or maybe 'ad alien', as some of his ideas seem only distantly related to anything on this planet. Conversely, it could all be a big put-on. Sophomoric but there are elements that suggest a 16 year old putting on the world, very pleased with himself for fooling all the adults on the forum..


I agree in spirit but think that "slavish adoration and fawning" captures the Bush Administration's relationship to big business. But then so does "doing what we paid for", too.


The Enron story is on the CNN website. At least as of 1509 today (EST). Shown as an AP story. Amazing that the liberal press hasn't given it more play. If it disappears, I'm going to have to take another look at my level of personal paranoia. I did save the page though.

Mousethief. And Kat,

Didn't mean to imply that the stories have any great credibility. As neither seem have shown up anywhere else, either they were BS....... or maybe there really is a cabal of liberals who control the press and they killed the story. Any bets as to whether that silliness becomes the latest "proof" of the great liberal conspiracy??

Regards John