The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122842   Message #3825079
Posted By: Matthew Edwards
07-Dec-16 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: Liverpool Folk Club 1970
Subject: RE: Liverpool Folk Club 1970
As Bruce Scott's name has been mentioned a few times already on this thread I thought it would be appropriate to pass on the sad news of his passing. He was a Liverpool singer and songwriter, who described himself as an FBI man, which used to alarm people until he went on to explain it meant Foreign Born Irishman!
He grew up in the Scotland Road district of Liverpool, but moved out to Kirkby. He married Dot, who he always called Polly, and wrote many lovely songs for his "Rose of Liverpool". He won the All Ireland Fleadh in 2004 with his song for Dot "My Collen By the Shore".
Bruce came to some public attention when a reporter claimed to have discovered Lord Lucan in Goa. Bruce identified the person as his old singing mate from St Helens, Barry Halpin!
Bruce was a great character - on one trip to Ireland the Ryanair pilot lost his way and landed at a military airstrip instead of the intended destination of Derry. Naturally Bruce made a song out of that!
May he rest in peace