The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16672   Message #3825108
Posted By: Steve Gardham
07-Dec-16 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Bold Robber
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Bold Robber
The Bold Robber (Title given in JFSS and my Master Title)

O come you good people that go out a-tippling,
I pray give attention and list'n to my song,
I'll sing you a ditty of a jolly bold robber,
Stood seven feet high in proportion quite strong.

He robbed lawyer Morgans and lady of Dorgans, (?)
Five hundred bright guineas from each one of them,
Till he was a-walking he met a young sailor
And bold as a lion he steppe`d up to him.

"Deliver your money, my jolly young sailor,
You have plenty of bulk in your pocket I see,"
"But then (aye?)" says the sailor, "I have plenty of money,
But while I have life I have got none for thee.

I have just left my shipping and taken my money,
I'm bound for old England my friends for to see,
I've ninety bright guineas my friends to make merry,
So I pray, jolly robber, don't take it from me."

Then the saucy bold robber struck the jolly young sailor,
Such a blow on the head which brought him to the ground,
"But aye (?)" says the sailor, "you have struck me quite heavy
But I must endeavour to return it again."

O then they did strippe`d like lambkins they skippe`d
They went life for life like to soldiers in field,
And the ninety-eighth meeting it was a completement
And this jolly young sailor the robber then killed.

Says the jolly young sailor to the bold saucy robber,
"I hope you won't lay any blame upon me,
If I'd been a robber of ten hundred guineas
I never would have stopped a poor sailor like me."

Sung by Mr Anderson at King's Lynn Jan 10th 1905. Tune noted by Vaughan Williams.

Kidson makes one or two general comments chiefly that he has never come across it anywhere. No broadside has come to light. I'm pretty certain the 'ninety-eighth meeting it was a completing' line comes from one or more of the prize fight ballads. The rest of Anderson's repertoire is well-known ballads