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Thread #148447   Message #3827007
Posted By: Teribus
17-Dec-16 - 02:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Syria: the new nightmare?
Subject: RE: BS: Syria: the new nightmare?
Jim Carroll - 16 Dec 16 - 12:47 PM

"I started from the bottom of the thread (more convenient
Your first reaction was to deny the licence had been issued"

Really?? Aw shucks Jim, pity you just couldn't find any post of mine where I actually say that. But to the "example you shove to the fore:

"Ah, so in short, you have no proof at all that the British Government sold anything to the Assad regime in Syria. It was just something you read in a newspaper, and having read the passage you misunderstood it and got it all wrong - something that I bet is not too unusual for you." - Teribus

Now where in that quoted passage of mine do I mention the word "licence" let alone state that no licence was ever issued? Tell me Jim because I've looked and I've looked but I just cannot find it. Maybe what I said towards the end of that quote is perfectly correct - i.e. having read the passage you misunderstood it and got it all wrong.

What I did say from the outset was to counter your baseless and ridiculous claim that British weapons, supplied by the British Government were killing Syrian civilians in Homs - in the passage quoted above I clearly state that "you have no proof at all that the British Government sold anything to the Assad regime in Syria". That statement of mine in relation to weapons and ammunition is perfectly true. The only thing the British Government did do was issue an export licence to a private enterprise sometime in 2009 for a minute quantity of 7.62x51mm Standard NATO ammunition. There has never been any proof at all that this sale went through, or that the ammunition was delivered - if there had been any proof you would have come up with it - this you have singularly failed to do. By 2010 ALL export licences covering exports to Syria had been revoked (Simple matter of documented record). The unrest started in Syria in March 2011 and the killings in Homs referred to in the thread began with the Syrian Army's assault on Homs in February 2012.

Finally when pressed you come out with:

Subject: RE: BS: Homs horror
From: Jim Carroll - PM
Date: 22 Mar 12 - 07:18 AM

"The total of my evidence is that Britain licensed an order of small arms ammunition"

So you lied and deliberately sought to misrepresent on the Homs Horror thread when you claimed that British weapons were killing Syrian civilians - something which by your own admission was untrue.

And you lied again when you claimed that I had denied that an export licence had been granted. That lie you have clearly exposed yourself by quoting a number of my own posts to that thread in the period February and March 2012 where I clearly acknowledge and refer to the export licence(s) granted.

You have clearly and conclusively been caught out in two lies, gross misrepresentation and an untrue and baseless accusation. You are in a hole my advice would be stop digging and refrain from mentioning the topic ever again.