The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29938   Message #382819
Posted By: Amergin
26-Jan-01 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
Subject: RE: BS: Fiction Casting Call, Part II
I have an idea for the Faery Queens consort....not exactly an original one, but still an idea....

Thomas Truetongue....a long thought to be dead human who disappeared into the mists centuries before...only the bards remember his existence....and the tales they tell of his exploits... He was a warrior bard out hunting with his clansmen, just before night, he was sitting around the fire trading songs and stories with his comrades, his fingers plucking his harp, telling the history of the land, when he glanced up over the campfire and saw a white faced doe gazing at him from the outskirts of the light.....His fingers stopped and his voice silenced...but when he blinked she was gone... That night in as he lay sleeping by the glowing embers....her face haunted his dreams, her eyes spoke out to him....and he heard her singing....He awoke and saw her there again, just before she ran into the trees...He picked up his harp and his sword and followed....never to be seen again....

Well anyways, the doe is none other than the queen of faery, and eventually he marries her...and on his wedding night, he is given a glass of beer and he drinks it....the beer gives him immortality....but it also gave him the gift of also addled his tongue in such a way that he can only speak in rhymes and he doesnt tend to speak much....but when he is with the magic of prophecy.....
