The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161183   Message #3828273
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
23-Dec-16 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: A new political low take 2
Subject: RE: BS: A new political low take 2
People who talk about Jewish pacts of silence to hide antisemitism Keith

Not me then Jim.

From your post,
In August 2015, German president Angela Merkel responded to the growing migrant crisis by saying her country would take in 1million Syrians.

She was heavily criticised by right-wing politicians, who said this was an open invitation to terrorists.

In February 2016 Amri moved to Berlin and a month later came under investigation after a tip-off to police that he was preparing an act of terror.

He arrived in Germany as an asylum seeking refugee.

It is a widely held view that the open door policy allowed many Jihadists to enter, and has led to the upsurge in attacks in Germany.

An attack by a politician, who should know better, on a member of the public who has suffered a tragedy. Whatever spin you you would care to put on it there is no excuse to lambaste someone who has had their family destroyed by extremism by suggesting they have links to extremist groups.

No. The criticism was put to Farage in a broadcast interview and any politician would have had to give a full strength response.
Even tragic personal circumstance do not allow you free hits in politics.