The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161183   Message #3829161
Posted By: akenaton
28-Dec-16 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: A new political low take 2
Subject: RE: BS: A new political low take 2
Oh for heavens sake don't you read what Mr T says, Mr Farage had no intention of "changing the EU from inside". Mr Farage's stated intention was to get the UK OUT of the EU.....and he succeeded brilliantly.
I don't know another politician with the balls to stand up to the whole political establishment single handedly and achieve his stated goal despite being smeared right left and centre.

I am opposed to his economic policies as one would expect, but by god I admire a man who does what he says he will do against all the odds.

That is the problem with UK politics too man people afraid to risk their comfortable jobs, lack of principles, and many of them cowering the Labour Party.