The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161183   Message #3829167
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
28-Dec-16 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: A new political low take 2
Subject: RE: BS: A new political low take 2
They were refugees. I don't bloody care how old they looked. They were nothing to do with the sort of EU immigration that the racist Farage continually prattles on about. The photo was inappropriately used by him to make some point or other. Try to be honest about something for a change, Keith. And you have now said three times that he is not known for making false claims. So it's true that we give the EU £350 million per week, is it? So it's true that the £350 million per week will be spent on the NHS, is it? .

If they were refugees and not economic migrants, why all men of a similar age?
And a proportion will have been heading for UK.
Farage had no involvement in the 350m claim and was critical of it, so why bring that into this discussion.
If I was wrong to say he is not known for making false claims, quote one.
"Try to be honest about something for a change, Keith"
You failed to identify any dishonesty from me, but there it is in your post.

See above.

and I, along with many others, believe he is indeed a loathsome character.

You make that clear, but have not given any grounds for it.
What exactly has he ever said or done that is "loathsome?"

I am sure he has no interest in other peoples opinions anyway unless he can see some way of promoting himself. As he did here.

Not true. He responded to something put to him without warning live on radio.


She opened her doors to refugees. Let's be careful, unlike Farage, to keep that entirely separate from the free movement of EU citizens.

The free movement across Europe allows refugees to reach Calais and thence UK.

What I am saying is that I find it wrong that Farage suggested that Brendan Cox had links with ANY exremist organisation

Do you find it wrong even if true?

To link Brendan Cox with extremism is callous and uncalled for.
Not if it was true, and "callous and uncalled for" is hardly "a new low in politics!"
That is a huge and inflammatory claim.
If you had claimed "a new level of mild disapproval" no-one would have challenged you.