The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161183   Message #3829577
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
30-Dec-16 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: A new political low take 2
Subject: RE: BS: A new political low take 2
I think that quite nicely fits in to politics in general hitting a new low, Jim. Maybe it is my age and looking at the past through rose tinted specs but it is only in the last 10 years or so that I recall so much negativity going on. People no longer seem to vote for politicians and policies but against them. Campaigns are geared around peoples fears. People like Farage and Trump have cashed in greatly and, to be honest, I don't blame them.

If people are viewing mainstream politicians as so corrupt and so similar in style regardless of the party then the mavericks will make a killing. A quick spell at the soap box and the support of the popular press seems to be all they need to get the electorate so wound up about immigrants or terrorists or whatever they have latched on to.

Wasn't like that when I was a lad...

:D tG