The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98769 Message #3830759
Posted By: GUEST,Lucy
06-Jan-17 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: 2016 Obit: Terry Holland (banjo)
Subject: RE: Obit: Terry Holland (banjo)
Hello everyone,
I stumbled across this thread today and it's so lovely to hear you speaking so highly of Dad and his banjo playing. I know this thread is now 10 years old, but wanted to say how great it is to know that he left such a great impression on those who met him.
Playing in a band with our Dad and step- mother was not always easy, but he definitely passed on his love of bluegrass and acoustic music to us and we will forever be greatful for this - some of my favourite memories are playing with him in jam sessions into the early hours at festivals. Nothing brings people together like music!