The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161254   Message #3830945
Posted By: keberoxu
07-Jan-17 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: sports bra critique. Respectful please
Subject: RE: BS: sports bra critique. Respectful please
I am trying to recall if there have been posts, on this or any other thread, from men who have sympathy for the women in their lives -- partners, blood relatives, or whoever -- for whom the breast-support issue has been a genuine ordeal.

I am talking of pain, genuine physical pain. Back pain, hunched shoulders. One dressage equestrian posted (on a different website) that the Enell sports bra, which for some women is a God-send, left her with SCARS, and I believe she meant that literally; she did better with a garment that had a lot more compression than the Enell has. Of course you realize what equestrians, who happen to have bosoms, go through: they all speak ruefully about being on a trotting horse.

I know there are men out there who feel in sympathy with the women in their lives, and are protective and understanding of them; I guess they have reasons of their own for not posting, and those have to be respected.