The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161289   Message #3831319
Posted By: Joe Offer
09-Jan-17 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Dreidel Song / Dreydl Song
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Dreidel Song / Dreydl Song
And another...

Thread #41943   Message #607232
Posted By: Jeanie
10-Dec-01 - 01:09 PM
Subject: ADD: The Dreydl Song

Here's a really lovely postscript to my earlier post ! I was feeling rather sad after reading the Chanukkah posts and putting in my own. It's already dark over here in England. My daughter and I love Chanukkah and I was missing her: I'm divorced and she is spending this week with her dad. I was just sitting here thinking we'd only have two nights together lighting the candles and singing the songs. THEN there was a knock on the door .. it was my daughter. Her dad is caught in traffic and she'd come here to wait and have her tea. So, we've had the first night of Chanukkah together after all !! That old "King of the Universe" is very, very kind.

The first night of Chanukkah is always so special because it's the only night when we say the blessing that God has given us life, lifted us up and brought us to this season. Saying that always means so much to me - and this year He has shown just how He is always there, and always lifting us up.

We've just been singing THIS song (and spinning around!)

Thank you, King of the Universe, for looking after us.

L'Chaim !

With Love, Jeannie