The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161185   Message #3831356
Posted By: FreddyHeadey
09-Jan-17 - 06:14 AM
Thread Name: The alternatve Wassail...
Subject: Lyrics Add:Ring Out the Old
Written as a poem but this, written for 2017, fits pretty well to the Gloucestershire tune.

Ring Out the Old - doggerelbanksy (Phil Poster)

It's time to ring out the Old, ring in the New,
bring out the tissues and handkerchiefs too.
Time to reflect whilst there's time for a brew.
Start wringin' your hands. The World's sadly askew.

Form a tight circle. Form an orderly queue.
Ring all your friends and tell them it's true.
Here comes the comeuppance we're long overdue
with bastards aplenty, good people, too few.

Our worst fears incarnate. We all along knew
that warthogs and snakes would take over the zoo.
It's everyone's fault. That includes me and you,
but the solution? I'm sorry we haven't a clue.

We need to discover society's glue.
We're hung out to dry if all hope we eschew.
Ring out the Old? Let Past slip out of view?
Ring in the New. Wringin' hands just won't do.