The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161326   Message #3832972
Posted By: Teribus
16-Jan-17 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Businessmen as Leaders of Nations
Subject: RE: BS: Businessmen as Leaders of Nations
Steve Shaw - 16 Jan 17 - 07:45 AM

Stereotypes again Shaw? All complete and utter unsubstantiated twaddle

1: "The landed gentry consists of people who do very little actual work themselves"

And you "know" this for a fact how Shaw? Or is it just left-wing quasi-Marxist/Communist crap you were force fed in your youth. I think in real life you will find that they work very hard at it and employ others to assist them - if they don't they don't remain "landed" for very long.

2: "who derive their income from the labour of others who are generally kept poor enough to keep them in line"

What actually does happen is that quite legally, with the agreement of both parties, tenant and landowner agree a rent or an amount for a lease that is fixed and that is not tied to any profit (This point has been put to you before and you have studiously ignored it - could the reason for that be that you cannot refute one single detail of that?). Now then please explain to us all exactly how all these tenant farmers are kept poor and kept in line? Complete and utter idiotic "leftie" hogwash.

3: "they are working land that was stolen from the ordinary people by the ancestors of the gentry in question".

Really?? When did this theft take place? What proof of ownership exists that all this land was EVER owned by those you refer to as "the ordinary people"? I think that if you actually look into it you will find that ALL land is owned perfectly legally, the majority of it by purchase these days.

4: "I'll pick my side on the basis of morality if you don't mind."

What "morality" Shaw? The "morality" of envy? The "morality" of "You have something, I don't, I want it so I will take it from you?". You will pick the side who build their case on baseless, supposition and lies and you know what Shaw? that does not surprise me at all.