The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29940   Message #383316
Posted By: Skeptic
26-Jan-01 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: BUSHwhacked Two!!
Subject: RE: BUSHwhacked Two!!

Please get it straight. Al is '04, then Al with VP Hillary in '08, then Hillary in '12 and '16. By then Chelsea will be old enough to take over in '20. I'm telling you, four years of GWB will almost guarantee a good thirty years of liberals being in firm control.

While I am a liberal and we are acquainted, (friend is stretching it a bit), I was outraged. As an ordained cynic I can't say I'm shocked. Merely reassured that my cynicism is supported by facts.

What is your take on the Bush decision not to prosecute? Is this 'compassionate conservativism' or cynical politics? Which is worse? The vandals or the cop who refuses to do anything about them?

Drat! Back to the lessor of two evils thing.

Of course, Bush gave fair warning a with his recent pronouncement that the job of the legislative branch is to pass laws and of the executive branch to interpret them. Which shows a distinct lack of gratitude to the Supreme Court for ruling in his favor on recounts. And demonstrates a unique interpretation of the Constitution, to say the least.

Regards, John