The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161343   Message #3833277
Posted By: CupOfTea
17-Jan-17 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
Subject: RE: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
Nope, not gonna watch.

If there's something outstandingly bizarre or outrageous, and thus worth watching, it'll be looped endlessly for days, so there's nothing to be gained in watching it live. I've never much liked watching parades, either, unless I personally knew someone who was marching in it. The whole idea of this man as president scares me profoundly, and I don't think watching the inauguration will make this reality any easier to deal with. I feel sorry for the former first families who feel obligated to attend.

I'm wondering - can cable providers tally who is watching the coverage? Some facebook posts suggest that having a tv turned on, gets you counted, and if you have your tv tuned to something OTHER than coverage of the event, you can reduce the % of the audience (and thus piss off His Twitliness). If you don't have it turned on, you don't make it into the count. If this is true, I can run the weather channel or animal planet all day.

But my evening - going to hear Reggie Harris in a house concert. I got my reservation in for that before I found out Mark Dvorak was going to be playing in the area Friday night as well. Reggie wins, since I got to hear Mark two months ago, and Reggie more like 3-4 years.Seems there are wonderful concerts to be had all over the place on Friday night, and supporting live music is something we all ought to think about doing regularly.

Joanne in Cleveland