The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159270 Message #3833541
Posted By: Steve Gardham
19-Jan-17 - 08:30 AM
Thread Name: DTStudy: King John and the Bishop (Child #45)
Subject: RE: DTStudy: King John and the Bishop (Child #45)
Someone should look through the Roud Index for him. That is kept up-to-date and is pretty comprehensive.
Re the tune, if you didn't already know, this, somewhat strangely, is the most commonly used tune in the English language for having different sets of words put to it. It easily eclipses Villikins which is probably more recent. If you look through old collections of songs and local pieces, especially 18th and 19th centuries it crops up time after time. The fact that once you see the chorus it is easily recognised might have something to do with it. I say surprisingly because its best fit is for stirring songs of adventure and peril, but it seems to have been utilised for practically any subject, many humorous songs, and it is still very popular today. I set one of my songs to it recently. It is a great tune!