The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161343   Message #3833595
Posted By: Joe Offer
19-Jan-17 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
Subject: RE: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
I did my best to watch every moment of both Obama inaugurations - often with tears in my eyes. And I watched every Obama farewell event I could find in the last few weeks, with the same emotion. He's been a good President.
I've been spending a lot of time this week in the service waiting room of my car dealer - payback for my 15,000 mile tour of America. I switched the waiting room television off FoxNews as soon as I thought I could get away with it, and I've been watching the cabinet confirmation hearings. The discussions are interesting, and the nominees and the senators on both sides are all making very reasonable points - none seem to be the mindless evildoers that they're sometimes made out to be.
The discussion on Obamacare was particularly interesting yesterday. The Republicans seem to want a healthcare system that will fulfill all the best dreams of the Democrats. Obamacare tried too hard to satisfy the insurance companies and the Republicans. Now the Republicans are under pressure to come up with something that actually works, and perhaps now they can afford to ignore the political considerations. Maybe, just maybe, they can do their job and develop something that serves the people.
So, I'll wait and see.

There has been some controversy about the Girl Scouts participating in the inaugural parade, something they've done every inauguration for a century. The Girl Scouts generally support the more progressive causes, so there was hope they might boycott the inauguration. The Boy Scouts have been annoyingly conservative, which is one of the reasons why I left them after 30 years. But both scout organizations have participated in all inaugurations since their early years, so would it be right for them to single Trump out for boycott?

So, I dunno. Can't think I'll ever be happy having Trump as President, but I'm hoping maybe he'll surprise me.
