The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161343   Message #3833687
Posted By: gillymor
20-Jan-17 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
Subject: RE: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
The ACA was a bad deal at the outset but President O' had the wisdom and foresight to know that in this case it was better than no deal. He got the ball rolling on something that may evolve into Universal Health Care which is something every civilized nation should have. He invited and has continued to invite it's opponents to join in in crafting it, as it is a massive work in progress, but the GOP had no interest in being involved in something that could be perceived as a political victory for Democrats and fought it all the way.

In spite of all the opposition from the right the ACA is at an all time high in popularity, has lowered healthcare costs and has provided more people with healthcare than ever before. Thanks to this wider ranging coverage and the ACA's emphasis on prevention (rather than those expensive, middle of the night visits to the emergency room that Republicans favor) far fewer people are losing their homes, life savings, and even their lives due to catastrophic illnesses.

A lot of GOP legislators are calling on Trump to sign off on the ACA's immediate repeal and claiming that they'll come up with their own plan eventually. Yeah, right. If Trump stays true to his word (not holding my breath on that) and replaces it with "something better" what we'll have is Obamacare under a different name that the GOP will crow about after the fact.

President Obama is such a gracious and thoughtful man that I'm sure he would gladly live with a name change as long as people got their health care.