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Thread #161343   Message #3834037
Posted By: Teribus
22-Jan-17 - 03:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
Subject: RE: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
"You supported mass murderer Brievik in the same way when you announced that he was saying something that was worth listening to." - Jim Carroll

In Norway, in the political sense many thought that the concerns Breivik voiced were worth paying heed to - in any truly democratic society the concerns of all should at least be heard and listened to - It was Anders Behring Breivik's selected method of bringing his views to the attention of the general public in Norway that were universally abhorred and condemned. Anders Behring Breivik has not been locked up for his political views but for planting a bomb in a public place and committing mass murder.

"I have no brief for violence normally" - Jim Carroll

Hell as like, you worship the "Men of the gun" - your comment belies what you claim above:

Jim Carroll - 21 Jan 17 - 07:06 AM

"Where are the Stauffenbergs of this world when you neeed them"

Given the subject of your bile that comment of yours is both disgusting and contemptible.

Oh by the way from an earlier post of yours:

"President Trump has been democratically elected ......get over it."

I'll repeat this as often as it takes - so was Hitler"

In which case you are repeating a lie.

Donald Trump WAS elected as President of the United States of America in accordance with the democratic process that has elected every other President in the country's history.

Adolf Hitler WAS NEVER elected as German Chancellor he was elected as a plain, simple, member of the Reichstag in November 1932, having lost the Presidential election in the same year to Hindenburg. Hitler was THEN APPOINTED as Chancellor by Hindenburg reluctantly in January 1933. Yet another of Jim Carroll's dearly clung to MYTHs exploded.