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Thread #161343   Message #3834104
Posted By: Teribus
22-Jan-17 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
Subject: RE: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
Hang on Carroll how does the "impeachment of Bill Clinton 19th December 1998 - subsequently acquitted 12th February, 1999 - amount to your claim that "Some years ago an American president lost his job for consentual sexual activity with an employee" - Jim Carroll.

Indeed another "Kitchener forced to resign moment", yet another example of Jim Carroll "Made-up-shit". Because if I remember correctly Clinton's acquittal of both charges meant that he didn't lose his job at all and that he continued to be POTUS until GWB took over in January 2001

We will now get a whole load of spittle-flecked froth along with the usual attempts to distract and deflect away from this idiotic factual blunder and glaring error of Jim Carroll's

The world would most certainly have been a better place without Hitler. But here is where you and Madonna part company with most decent and sentient human beings on the planet:

"There is little doubt - to me at least that, if he lives up to his promise, it would be a safer place without Trump"

So Jim Carroll's solution is to call for someone to assassinate the newly inaugurated President with a bomb - "Where are the Stauffenbergs of this world when you neeed them" - Jim Carroll - 21 Jan 17 - 07:06 AM - Remember that do you Jim?

As far as I am aware Trump has never demanded the use of nuclear weapons. Time Magazine has reported that Trump has mentioned nuclear weapons in the following terms during the recent Presidential campaign:

1: "Biggest problem, to me, in the world, is nuclear, and proliferation" - a great number of people in the world share this view.

2: "I don't want to rule out anything" - very sensible approach, there is no point in having a nuclear deterrent and broadcasting, like Corbyn, that you would never ever use it.

3: "We have nuclear arsenals which are in very terrible shape" - No idea how accurate that statement is with regard to the US arsenal, certainly true of ours apparently and Putin has intimated that he is going to completely refurbish and modernise Russia's nuclear weapons and capability. Very sensible of Trump to state clearly that should that happen the USA should do the same - in an arms race with the USA the Russians could only lose.

4: "Maybe it's going to have to be time to change" - Well the nuclear world has changed quite a bit since Reagan and Gorbachev. As to proliferation many on this forum have cheered on and supported the acquisition or attempts to acquire nuclear weapons by Iran and by North Korea. GWB's efforts ended efforts on the part of Syria and Libya and shut down Pakistani Dr. A. Q. Khan's nuclear weapons proliferation network - So yes it is time for a change.

5: "I will have a military that's so strong and powerful, and so respected, we're not gonna have to nuke anybody" - Credible deterrence, nothing more nothing less, and perfectly sensible.

So far the man has said nothing and done nothing to warrant being blown up.