The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161343   Message #3834141
Posted By: Steve Shaw
22-Jan-17 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
Subject: RE: BS: Inauguration--To Watch or Not to Watch??
"... on the threads I do contribute to my posts are normally posts challenging (rather successfully) idiotic points put forward by you, or Steve Shaw, or Raggy, or Dave the Gnome. I challenge your point of view I do not, and am not, necessarily supporting the person, party, organisation or idea that you are opposing and objecting to."

But you're not challenging points. All the above-mentioned, and several more besides, get called all manner of names, subjected to your sarcasm or are insulted by you well before you get round to "challenging our points." By the time you actually get round to "challenging our points" you've pissed us off via your self-righteous aggression, so why would we take notice? The "rather successful' challenges of yours are "rather successful" only your head. You have absolutely no concept of working for good outcomes. Just like Keith, you're happy only when you think you've managed to put people down. You see the name of person at the head of a post and immediately go into red-mist mode if it happens to be any of your above-named. Everybody here is right some of the time, wrong some of the time and in sime cases too aggressive some of the time. If you can't see that there's something wrong with you.