The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80269   Message #3834298
Posted By: robomatic
23-Jan-17 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Big Beasts
Subject: RE: BS: Big Beasts
There was a little old man in the dog park with an ungainly, low slung beast on a leash. Rolly with the Pit-bull laughed himself silly. "That is the ugliest dog I done ever seen!"
The little old man was as slow as his pet. Rolly started lambasting the creature as he gained on the pair. "Your dog has mange, he looks too stupid to live, if I didn't have my Mofo on leash, he'd have him shook apart right pronto!"
The little old man said nothing, just shuffled slowly along. Rolly had finally had it with the unresponsive man and animal. He let the leash off and said "sic 'em!"
Mofo stepped forth boldly and went for the critter. Which promptly turned on him, rolled him over, and chewed him to a pulp.
"Geezus H Jehosophot!" yelled Rolly, "what the hell breed is THAT?"
"Before he got his nose fixed," said the old man, "he was a alligator!"