The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29940   Message #383441
Posted By: Skeptic
27-Jan-01 - 12:37 AM
Thread Name: BUSHwhacked Two!!
Subject: RE: BUSHwhacked Two!!
How is this Clinton's fault ..... except in the abstract sense as he was the boss? We had a guy at work a while back who got in a fight with another employee (racially motivated, sad to say). Where does the responsibility lie? Applying the logic of the right (as proclaimed on talk radio, anyway), the person who hired the guy's to blame. Unless Clinton ordered it .... or listed 'willingness to vandalize the White House' as a required job skill, his responsibility is indirect, at best.

I'll try a couple of meta-search engines and deja-news to see if I can find anything about what's happened after other transitions. Hope others will do the same, as it would be interesting. I know the problem of people taking souviniers off Air Force One has been around a long time. A friend of my fathers was on the crew at one time (early 70's) and said it was a problem back then.

RE: Hillary - can't she run without having to give up her Senate Seat until/unless she wins? I know Texas and Vermont have that sort of law. Maybe NY does too. Regards, John