The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #90211   Message #3834703
Posted By: Helen
25-Jan-17 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: Classical music - what makes you listen?
Subject: RE: Classical music - what makes you listen?

Somewhere, tucked away in a nice safe place, is my Hildegarde von Bingen 2 CD set.

(Rule #1: never pack up your whole household of stuff in a hurry and throw it into boxes without making proper labels for the boxes or ensuring that like goes with like, e.g. CD's all together instead of tossed in with unrelated stuff. I used to know ezactly where that CD set was, but not any more.)

The main problem with the CD was that it was so beautiful, peaceful, meditative, soothing, and half way through one of the CD's a man suddenly starts yelling loudly. Probably to wake the nuns up from their meditative state during the church services. It used to almost give me a heart attack every time.

gillymor, just admit it. Your kayak wouldn't last the journey from the Yew-Ess-of-Ay to the lovely Oz.
