The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161368   Message #3835329
Posted By: Stu
28-Jan-17 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: reign of terror
Subject: RE: BS: reign of terror
I left in 1982. My class was the discarded misfits; people who struggled to learn and could barely write, undiagnosed dyslexics being treated as idiots, a few louts, a couple of lazy sods, those who were often bullied and mocked for being gay or fat or whatever. I grew up with most of these folk and they way they were treated was appalling, they never had a chance to even understand their potential.

I decided to get educated and it's been a battle. Those old prejudices are still in place and after my PhD went tits up (through no fault of my own) the university abandoned me as soon as it could. I have had several offers to start again, and I'm considering these.

So people dissing education and suggesting that a good education has somehow brainwashed people into not being good, unquestioning, subservient capitalist labour but has instilled in them some mythical sense of self-righteousness irks me.

It doesn't seem to occur old Bart, Trump, Farage, Bannon, Pence, May, BoJo etc etc that it's possible all these people might have reached their own conclusions about the likes of the aforementioned and all happen to agree with each other. So used are the likes of the alt-right corporate flunkies to being told what top think they don't even question whether the premise of the propaganda they so ready swallow whole is even correct. When this happens to enough people, you end up with Brexit and Trump.