The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132198   Message #3837441
Posted By: GUEST,Sean Laffey
07-Feb-17 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
Subject: RE: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
Hi Folks.

Back in 1994 I was living in Guernsey, singing with the shanty group Jenkins Ear. I met with Peter Saumarez who was the current incumbent at Saumarez Hall. He showed me a manuscript of the song Nottingham and Mars. It had a florid Victorian piano accompaniment, and from memory it was undated.

Peter was proud of his ancestor Philip Sausamarez, his involvement in the voyage of the Centurion and the War of Jenkins Ear (after which our shanty group was named). (He also told me because of the actions of Philip Saumarez, the family held an early the franchise for Naval Uniforms and that is why the Royal Nay use the family's particular blue.. Navy Blue).

I took a copy of the manuscript, and left it with our guitar player "Charlie" Torode, who passed away last year (2016). I don't know where the copy now is. However, I did type up the words to Nottingham and Mars. This was taken up by Claire Rakich (a Guernsey girl, now living in London) , it is on her album "Salt on Your Door". The words I typed up are on a 4 inch floppy disc, time to convert it to a USB dongle.