The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132198   Message #3837444
Posted By: GUEST,Sean Laffey
07-Feb-17 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
Subject: RE: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
Herea re the words to the Nottingham and Mars


October 11, 1746
Broadside ballad - Tune the Dolphin

Come all you jolly sea men bold a tough old tar I am
I'll sing to ye of a fight me boys fought in the Nottingham
Twas by a brisk young Captain, Phil Sausmarez was his name
He was bent with bold intent old England's foes to tame

On the fifth day of October our anchor we did weigh
And from Plymouth sound me boys we shaped our course away
Along the coast of Ireland our orders were to go
The seas to cruise and none to refuse but boldly fight the foe

We had not been out many days before we chanced to spy
A sail all to the westward which drew us up full nigh
She hailed us loud in French me boys and asked from whence we came
From Plymouth Sound we've just come down and the Nottingham's our name.

Are you a man of war they said or a privateer maybe
We are a man of war we said and that ye soon shall see
So haul up smart your courses and let your ship lie to
If you stand out or put about we'll sink you ship and crew

The first broadside we let them have we made the rascals quail
To see the gallant topmast come rattling down like hail
We drove them from their quarters their Captain he frantic grew
He cursed our shot that came so hot from the gunners in our crew.

We fought them seven glasses when to add to all their fears
The shout was raised for borders and we gave three ringing cheers
Down came her flag we took her, her name it was the Mars
The French be damned they never can stand a fight with British Tars

And should you once more enquire our gallant Captain's name
He was young Phil Sausmarez from Guernsey's isle he came
Commanded the brave Nottingham and beat the cowardly Mars
Let every man stand true to his guns and salute those British Tars