The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #132198   Message #3837800
Posted By: doc.tom
09-Feb-17 - 11:13 AM
Thread Name: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
Subject: RE: Origins/ADD: The Dolphin
And here's another version!

Cpt. Vickery & Cpt.Lewis, Minehead - collected C# 8th & 9th August 1904.

On the twenty-first of August in Plymouth Sound we lay;
Our orders came on board, me boys, we could no longer stay;
'Twas on the coast of Ireland, our orders did run so,
All for to cruise and never refuse to meet with our proud foe.

We had not sailed many a league before we chanced to spy
A long and lofty man o' war come bearing down so nigh;
He hailed us in French, me boys, from whence and where we came;
Our answer was, "From Liverpool, and the London is our name."

"If you're the London man o' war, as I suppose you be,
We are the royal Delamore, and that you soon shall see,
So I pray lay up your courses and let your ship lay to,
Your mainsail stow and your boats hoist out, or else we will sink you."

A broadside then we gave to them; it struck them which such wonder
To see their yards and topmast too come rattling down like thunder;
We drove them from their quarters, they could no longer stay;
Our guns did roar, we played so sure, and we showed them British play.

The next broadside we gave to them, so hot our shot did fly,
We shot away the ensign staff and down their colours lay;
"That's very well, that's very well," our captain he did say,
"Your swords now draw and your pistols load; we'll board without delay."

Now we have taken the Delamore safe into Plymouth Sound,
And when she came to anchor, boys, we fired our guns all round;
Here's a health unto our captain, and all such warlike souls;
To him we'll drink and never flinch; round with the flowing bowl.