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Thread #161452   Message #3837966
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Feb-17 - 06:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
"Since 1973 the EU has played a major role in whatever "system Britain now has""
Britain became fouled up long before the E.U. was a twinkle in Britain's eye.
It started when the Tories began dismantling the limited progressive policies introduced by the post war Labour Government and reached its peak under Thatcher, who silenced the voice of working people in their place of work and set about destroying Britain's industrial base.
The E.U. was never more than an attempt by failing Capitalism to act in unison to stop the rot - a co-operation of Capitalist nations.
Whatever its failings, workers under Capitalism gained some limited advantages - not ideal, but better than what was happening.
Now that's gone.
"I would think that the number of "bigots" remained unchanged pre and post Brexit."
Brexit opened the door to racist and bigoted behaviour - it was won of a bigotry ticket.
"EU Referendum results in Maps"
Britain overall is a racist country - a quarter of those surveyed on their racist vies indicated that to be the case - part of the heritage left to us by Empire
Attempting to islolate that to Labour voters is as stupid as it gats.
This thread has been about Labour Party members supposed antisemitism, not that of Labour voters.
If you are suggesting that working people are more racist than any other class in Britain, you are even more extreme and stupid as you have already prved yourself to be.
Racism among the less well off is the result of the fear generated by scum like Ukip and the BNP, and fortified by vote seeking politicians who blame immigration on the failures of society rather than their own greed and incompetence - scapegoat politics - a favourite in Nazi Germany where the Jews were the target.
You really are a little goose-stepper, aren't you?
Still the same old, same old imbecility -are you really so insecure in your position?
For crying out loud, grow up and try to conduct a reasonable argument without the blustering bullshit - how old are you?
It's like trying to discuss with a truculent child
Jim Carroll