The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161576   Message #3840798
Posted By: GUEST,Dalillama
22-Feb-17 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: A version of Sweet William's Ghost
Subject: Lyr Req: A version of Sweet William's Ghost
I'm looking for a particular recording of Sweet William's Ghost/Sweet William and Lady Margaret. I heard this particular track on OPB's Mist Covered Mountain broadcast ~20-25 years ago now (I've checked at the office, they haven't records of what they played that far back, and the DJ has retired).
The singer is a woman (or possibly a man with a notably high voice), accompanied IIRC by a fiddle, and the chorus goes:
O Margaret, O Lady Margaret he cried
For Love or for charity,
Will you give me back my plighted troth
That once love I gave to thee, to thee?
No, I'll not give you back your plighted troth,
Nor any such a thing
Til you take me down to yon churchyard,
And marry me with a ring, a ring
And marry me with a ring.