The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29940   Message #384331
Posted By: Troll
28-Jan-01 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BUSHwhacked Two!!
Subject: RE: BUSHwhacked Two!!
MAV, WHY should teaching not be a career? It takes time to become an effective teacher and there is continual upgrading by way of recertification. Going back for a masters degree is really the only way that a teacher can get a real raise in pay.
Your assertion that the unions run things has got to be a joke. Most teachers unions that I have come into contact with over the last 30 years have been pale imitations of a real labor union. They do little to obtain better conditions for their members (which is what a union is supposed to do) and almost nothing if a member has a problem with the administration. What they sem to do best is posture around Washington and claim to control members votes.
As far as teaching in private schools, only a damn fool would take a 50% cut in what is already a lousy paycheck to teach in a place where the benefits ane nil, and there's no job security of any kind including that the school might not exist next year.
I have a friend who wanted to start an all girls school -7 through 12- here in Gainesville. She has the necessary credentials, experience, and business accumen to do this. She found a site, the building was large enough, adequate room for some sports etc.
Then she found out what she would have to do to bring the place up to code. Completely new bathrooms with handicap access, an elevator for access to the second floor; these were not safety regulations, but handicap access regulations. Never mind that it was to be a private school, since it was to be a school, all these things had to be done. It would have cost her almost $500,00.
She accepted a professorship at N.C.State in Boone.
Stackly (sic) you will get your point across a lot better if you ease up on the flameing.
Skeptic, we are NOT paranoid! We used to be schizophrenic but they adjusted our medication and we're much better now.
