The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161644   Message #3843421
Posted By: GUEST,Barnacle (at work)
07-Mar-17 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Derek Brimstone has died (1932-2017)
Subject: RE: Obit: Derek Brimstone has died (1932-2017)
Derek used to stay with us whilst touring in our area - he even brought one of his boys to stay on one occasion. He was a mean cook and an even better friend. I remember him taking me to a hospital appointment on one occasion and we still have a cassette tape of him singing in our front room after my hubbie had asked for one of his songs.

I am not usually good at jokes, but still tell some of Derek's from time to time.

The world will be a lesser place without him.

John and Sue