The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161703 Message #3845121
Posted By: Mo the caller
15-Mar-17 - 03:51 PM
Thread Name: Dance: Nomencature and help therewith
Subject: RE: Dance: Nomencature and help therewith
Irish Set dance has some great names for figures. And they vary from dance to dance / place to place
Of course it can be confusing for people at a club that includes dances from various traditions (e.g. clubs I go to dance Playford, American, Barn dances and a few borrowed from the Scots). The same figure has different names, or the same name means slightly different things. Straight hey = reel; circular hey = square through = grand chain,(=?) right and left through; star = hands across. And the change over my lifetime in things like where you finish a swing, or if a ladies chain / right & left through goes there and back. A new member said that it's like learning a new language.