The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161764   Message #3846941
Posted By: leeneia
27-Mar-17 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: Whistling
Subject: RE: Whistling
I have suffered hearing damage from loud noise, and my ears are sensitive. That loud, two-finger whistle is painful to me and others like me.

If you are outside with your dog or kids and need to round them up, that whistle is appropriate. But in a theater - please don't!

As for musical whistling, I produced my first, faint whistling noise at the age of four. I was thrilled. Now, some years later, I enjoy whistling tunes and bird sounds.

Sometimes I whistle little snippets while hardly aware of it, and after church a certain woman has repeatedly said, "Don't you know that a whistling girl and crowing hen - both will come to no good end?" Finally I said to her, "I whistle because I'm happy. Do you dislike it that I'm happy?" That shut her up.

Bugsy, my husband and I find each other in large stores or the library by whistling. Few people notice, and nobody seems to mind.