The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29976   Message #384737
Posted By: Firecat
29-Jan-01 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jayohjo in Russia!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Jayohjo in Russia!!!!
Preevyet! I'm glad you're having a great time in Russia!! I went a few years back (25th March - 4th April 1998) and it was absolutely gorgeous!! I was a bit disappionted by Red Sqaure though. What did you think of it?

I went to St. Petersburg and Novgorod as well. It was one of the best fortnights of my life!!! I'm SO jealous that you're there because I want to go back sometime. You are really, really, really (times 259 million!) lucky. Make the most of it!

Mind you, I'm going to Berlin 6 - 12 April!

Dass Vedaneeya! (I know how to write it but there isn't any Cyrillic alphabet on this computer)

Kaumu (That's some Russian for you!)